Wazeter Blog | Demystifying the Internet

Learn how to make the internet work for you. Most entrepreneurs understand the power of the internet, they just haven't figured out how to make it work to the level they want. We're here to demystify all areas of digital marketing, content marketing, website design and entrepreneurship so you don't have to 'figure it out' alone.

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why you need a philosophy of business

In ancient times, Philosophy was central to life. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that Philosophy was simply a ‘design for life.’ Through this design for life, one could reach an understanding and gain a practical road map.
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social media

the art of social media for business part 1

Understanding the difference between social media types and how to leverage them for your digital marketing is the single most critical skill in modern day business promotion. This series breaks down the How's and Why's.
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digital marketing

Is creating content worth your time as a business owner?

Content is king. You need content. Share more value. Similar advice is trumpeted over and over again as ‘what you need’ to do to grow your business digitally. It’s said so much that it gets nauseous hearing it over and over.
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Election 2020 Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs: Understanding Biden

With Biden taking office in January 2021, changes are coming to the white house that will ultimately affect how small businesses are able to conduct business.
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Why Average Time On Page Matters For Your Website

Few SEO ranking factors have more impact than ‘average time on page.’ But why is that? With all the hundreds of technical factors that go into websites and SEO, why does average time on page matter the most?
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showing appreciation for lessons learned from impactful people

Taking a moment to have true appreciation for the lessons learned from other people and the contributions they've had to your life offers a unique meditation. Here's mine, inspired by Marcus Aurelius.
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digital marketing

Should you be personal in your business and brand marketing?

Should brands be personalized? What about your business? Isn’t it more professional to be non-personal in your marketing? When it comes to creating an identity for your business and brand online, it can pay off big to be personal and raw.
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digital marketing

is short content or long content better?

Does short content help you more than long content? Does long content engage more than short content? The nature of engagement has changed and we address it and what you should do here to deal with "twitter attention spans."
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digital marketing

how to create more content for your marketing

Most business owners started their business to be in the business of whatever their industry is, not in the business of content creation. An accounting firm started a business to do accounting. A landscaper to do landscaping.
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Election 2020 Survival Guide for Entrepreneurs: Overview

2020 has come with it's share of extreme views, statements and actions. If it wasn't too soon, it'd be the perfect Hollywood movie. We're taking a neutral look at the aftermath and de-escalating the claims to bring reason to the table for business leaders
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digital marketing

Your website isn’t converting like it should because of this one thing.

Most businesses understand they have to have a website. Yet, ask many and they’ll say that their website isn’t doing much for them to actually drive business. This is a major problem because websites serve as the only asset you control on the internet.
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I Want To Quit My Job And Start A Business. What Should I Do? Part 2

Owning a business for most means owning their life. Business ownership tops the wish list for many Americans, yet for many remains in the “one day” category. It’s an irresistible siren call with an element of romanticism.
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I want to quit my job and start a business. What should I do? part 1

Entrepreneurship is idolized in American culture, but is it right for you? We take a deep dive into whether or not this is the right path to take, weighing the pros and cons. This is part 1 of a 2 part series.
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How to navigate your business through the election

Economic uncertainty creates jitters. Jitters usually means instability in sales. For small businesses, the impact of the election process has real consequences on the bottom line.
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Why Being a Market Leader Is Necessary.

Times of economic uncertainty test one thing above all else: the viability of a business. Businesses with strong, core offerings and who are positioned as market leaders thrive and expand.